What you saw was just computer generated images from the talented Russian CG visualization specialist Anton Valiev.   Not my type of design though but these are drop dead gorgeous renders that are very difficult to achieve in computer aided design.

You can see more ideas and inspirations here:

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6 Read More
  1. Roberta says:

    Love the fireplace and the nook next to it wit the chairs. The curved walls soften the hard lines of all the built-ins as well. The little girls "stage" is adorable. Not my personal taste either but I sure can appreciate the design. Thanks for sharing ;)

  1. Unknown says:

    omg..TOTALLY my kinda style! that was some kinda drooling I was just doing hahahaha keep feeding my eyeballs Flory (btw..thanks for the comment on my site)


  1. The Muse says:

    You are absolutely right, they are drop dead gorgeous! I love the last picture. It’s a very lovely bathroom. How I love to have it! Stunning!

    May Your Day Be Lovely,
    The Muse

  1. Anonymous says:

    Lovely interior Flor, your site is looking gorgeous too! Really suits your personality!

    Btw, I've followed your blog thru bloglovin, think it's much cooler than google reader. Try it and claim your blog from there, I just recently switched!

  1. Oooh I love that living room, lilac is not my colour, but I can alway change it very very beautiful

  1. wow that looks so cool, I love it.

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